Access to Toyosu
Airport bus to Toyosu
business hours
Tuna auction
This is an overall map of the toyosu market that can be obtained at the Toyosu market.
This map is available at the Managemenat Facilities Building at Block7.
(map:Tokyo Metropolitan Toyosu Market)
The Toyosu market is roughly divided into three blocks.
- Block5
- Block6
- Block7
- EDOMAEJOKAMACHI(2020/01 open new spot)
At first, let’s see what is in each block.
【Block5】 Fruit and Vegetable building
what they have..
- wholesale market of vegetables and fruits
- visitor’s course
- restaurants area
↓↓↓there are 3 restaurants,here.
寿司(sushi) | 大和寿司daiwasushi |
天ぷら(tenpura) | 天房tenfusa |
日本そば(noodles) | 富士見屋fujimiya |
【Block6】Fisheries Intermediate Wholesale Market building
what they have..
- wholesale market of fish
- shopping area
- visitor’s course
- restaurants area
↓↓↓there are 21 restaurants,here.
寿司(sushi) | 山はらyamahara
晶shou 岩佐寿しiwasa sushi 勢sei 弁富bentomi 鮨文sushibun |
和食・海鮮丼(seafood bowl) | 仲家nakaya
粋の家ikinoya |
親子丼・とり料理(chiken) | 鳥藤toritou |
中華(Chinese cuisine) | ふじのfujino |
インドカレー(curry) | 中栄nakae |
うなぎ(eel) | 米花yonehana
福せんhukusen |
あんこう | 高橋takahashi |
洋食(western food) | 禄明軒rokumeiken |
牛丼(beef boel) | 吉野家yoshinoya |
とんかつ(pork cutlet) | 小田保odayasu |
コーヒー・喫茶(coffee shop) | 岩田iwata:センリ軒senriken |
【Block7】Fisheries Wholesale Market building
what they have..
- management facilities building
- Visiters Hall
- Visiters course
- restaurants area
You can observe TUNA AUCTION HERE!!
↓↓↓there are 12 restaurants,here.
海鮮丼(seafood bowl) | 丼匠dontaku |
寿司(sushi) | すし処やまざきyamazaki
神楽寿司kagurasushi 銀座鮨正 |
とんかつ(pork cutlet) | 八千代yachiyo |
コーヒー・喫茶・甘味(coffee shop・snack) | 木村家kimuraya
愛養aiyou |
中華(Chinese cuisine) | やじ満yajima |
ピザ(pizza) | トミーナtomi-na |
EDOMAEJOKAMACHI(2020/01 open new spot)
There are 21 shops and restaurants! they have free rest area outside, so you can enjoy eat and drink there.
\more detail about EDOMAEJOUKAMACHI./
Have a good time at TOYOSU FISH MARKET(^O^)/
Walk in the Tsukiji market! It’s very fun too.